36 Splendid Tulips Nails

by Rose Walker

Ladies, how about trying tulip nails? We often come across flower nail art like rose designs, daisy patterns, and sunflower art, but you may still have yet to try tulip designs on your nails.

Tulips are the beloved flowers of the Dutch people. We’ve often seen photos of miles upon miles of tulip flowers with the occasional windmill in the distance. If they are not endemic to your country, you might find tulips beautiful and very exotic.

36 Splendid Tulips Nails

Did you know? Around the 1600s, there was a huge mania for tulips. In fact, it was one of the first economic bubbles. The most famous tulip was the “Queen of the Night”. It’s a tulip that is almost black but is actually a deep purple when viewed.

And if you’ve ever seen beautiful striped varieties, you might be shocked to know that it’s actually a result of a viral infection amongst tulip plants.

In our collection below, we’ve collected a huge array of tulip nail designs. With over 3,000 varieties of tulips, you can imagine how much inspiration that provides for tulip nail art.

Check out our tulip designs for your nails below and tell us what your favorites are!

34. Pink Tulips in Black Eve Nails

Photo Credit: paulinaspassions


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About Rose Walker

Rose Walker has worked as a nail artist for over 10 years. She's gained a lot of experience and developed her own unique style during that time. When she was working at a famous nail salon, she met Shirlyn. The two of them quickly became friends, and eventually decided to start their own website together. Naildesignideaz is the result of their collaboration - it's a website where they share their experience and offer tips on how to create beautiful nails.

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